2 min readJun 10, 2021


A new delivery taught me the importance of minimalism

Things can make you happy, but they can also kill a vibe. Minimalism is great and all but every trend has it’s puritans, and over achievers. I’m a horrible minimalist the same way I think I’m a horrible christian. I’m a believer but I often fail. Failing is good though, it reminds me why I have faith in something.

I teeter between what some ma argue as a super saver with money to “you know what? I never do this, just go ahead and get it”. Now I’m sitting here with a pack of coffee pods that don’t work and 2 different coffee machines but a watery cup of coffee.

All the stuff I buy that I hardly use kills my vibe. There reminders of good intentions, what they were supposed to serve as and things I never got around to.

I also hate clutter, which you’d be surprised as I live in clutter.

I take out at least one day a week to mass organize all my crap, but only once a few months do a huge reverse haul, just getting rid of everything that doesn’t serve any purpose for me. However the process is a cycle, “You know what would be nice to have…” go over board, organize, remove.

The great thing about this is the over view it provides me, for the mindset and belief I had for items that get recycled away. it’s not just the yearning for something and imagining how amazing it would make my life by receiving items, it translates to moments in my life. If I just had this one opportunity, job, home…etc and what I imagine it to be in my life rather than reality.

I get a quick reminder that the grass is always greener on the other side, as these coffee pods were suppose to have me wake up in a silk rob, smelling it’s sweet aroma of peace. Rather I’m struggling to figure out a machine and drinking watered down coffee.

So this isn’t me…

What can I say, you live you learn…




Getting your feng shui to go my way since 1988